At the beginning of the Thirty Years’ War in the 17th century, the Czech lands were defeated by Austria, lost their independence, and an attempted genocide followed, which only coincidentally failed.

26 Czech noblemen and intellectuals were tortured and executed on Old Town Square in Prague and a triumphal Marian column was erected on the spot. That was the way it was then.

A few years ago, a group of ultra-conservative Catholics pushed for the restoration of that column. Soros groups enthusiastically supported it. They’ll support anything anti-Czech.

Now the column is being supplemented with statues of angels stabbing Czech rebels. Actually, I’m not surprised. When the column was erected and its supporters claimed that it was not a sign of triumph over the rebellious Czech nation, they were deliberately lying. Which is normal for them. We could paraphrase Dostoyevsky. “When I serve the right religious group, everything is allowed.”

But doesn’t that mean that in the end we have no moral or civilizational superiority over Islam? They have violent nutters, and we have nutters who would burn heretics again if they could. But there’s a subtle difference. In their country, the nutters set the terms. We have a comical group that is a minority even within the Catholic Church and will never set the terms. The fact that they used bribes to push through a piece of stone that the vast majority of the public doesn’t care about is not a sign of influence. And in the end, it’s interesting to listen to these oddballs because they can bring a lot of interesting things to the discussion.

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