I didn’t see last night’s presidential debate between Biden and Trump. Being a Trump supporter, I would consider him the winner of the debate. Because it’s almost always the case that each person appreciates the other’s performance more.

It’s more interesting to read the US news articles. Even the most devoted Biden supporters call his performance terrible, while they have nothing to criticize Trump for (other than disagreeing with him). The New York Times reports that panic has broken out among Democrats.

If Biden’s die-hard supporters see it that way, it must have been one of the most horrible debacles in history.
Even before the debate, Trump already had a decent lead with the voters, so it is quite possible that the next president has already been effectively decided. But it’s not quite that simple again.

I mean, there’s been talk for a while now that the Democrats have a plan B. Namely, that Biden will drop out of the race at the last minute and a replacement will step in. The main thing that spoke against that plan was that it was too risky. But now the Democrats are in a situation where nothing is more risky than Biden.

From a purely human standpoint, this is a tragedy. Joe Biden could have lived a quiet, comfortable old age. No one would have reminded him that he was a buffoon all his life and that he caused a lot of evil. And his son didn’t have to face jail time.

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