Today, I bring to your attention a message that has been kept from you by the mainstream and the alternative. I would be very reluctant to believe it myself if it were not backed up by the authority of Reuters. The US military conducted a covert operation in 2020-21 to discourage people from getting the covid vaccine. Specifically, it did this by having different versions devised, targeting different local audiences. So Muslims were told that the covid vaccine contained pork. The Filipinos were told that the Chinese would take over through vaccination. And so on. To each according to what they fear most. They were spreading these messages from the Army Communications Center in Tampa, Florida.

Through fake accounts, they placed them in the right social media groups and then just watched them spread (very likely with the support of the Facebook (Meta) corporation that favored the spread of these things. In the Czech Republic, it even happened that opposition leaders who preferred a scientific approach had their accounts cancelled so that they could not influence the opposition debate.

Was the political opposition in Western countries also targeted? It would be logical, but we don’t know. It would be logical because the rejection of vaccination has weakened the political opposition. Reuters didn’t publish the details, just supplemented the information with the comment that the Chinese and Russians do similar things, so it doesn’t really matter.

The radical political opposition will ignore it and absolutely not learn, because too many people have linked their political careers and social status to the dissemination of this report, which was probably created by the US intelligence services. Well, as long as everyone else is a sheep.

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