What is proper conservatism? In keeping the world as it was in 1800? Or in 1420? Or in preserving some elements of that period? Or in establishing a lifestyle that corresponds to a religious scripture?

Philosopher Jiří Hejlek says that true conservatism does not deny or block change, but tries to make it happen slowly enough so that we can get used to each state. So that it is not the case that an arrangement is introduced and before we have time to get used to it, it is replaced by something completely different and the result is a mess that is impossible to live in.

If we accept such a criterion, we seem to have reached the time when taking shameful photos is conservative. If they are “normal,” if they clearly refer to a heterosexual relationship, to the spark between men and women, and if the woman is even photographed cooking (determined to provide her male with both food and pleasure), it refers to the world that conservatives defend today. Strange as it may sound.

This is a side note to the “affair” where a good-looking Christian conservative woman takes nude photos and posts them on some special server where the non-paying public has no access. I have no idea what impact this has on her personal relationships, but that is her private affair. There is no reason for others to be outraged, and certainly no reason for conservatives to be outraged. On the contrary.

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