…today it is not some values that are winning, but increasingly certain authoritative personalities like Trump, Orbán, Putin, Modi, Lula, Milei”, wrote the Czech blogger villager a few days ago and it is a great observation.

But something needs to be added to it. Notice all these “authority figures” are on the opposition side. Except perhaps Miley, who I tend to think of as a puppet, but it’s only fair to give him more time. We can hardly talk about “authority figures like Van Leyn, Scholz, Harris…” or even those lovely young ladies from the Baltics who obediently repeat the platitudes they were advised at the US Embassy. Perhaps we could talk about clowns, but that’s not the same thing. That is one of the reasons why we do not see assassinations. There’s no one to shoot at.

There are at least two reasons for this. One. The liberal oligarchy (the new aristocracy) is incapable of creating personalities. It is a typical mob movement. Which points to one of the areas where the nationalist opposition may consistently have the upper hand. In personalities.

Secondly. You can’t pit another oligarchy against an oligarchy. It doesn’t lead to change. In the event of a conflict, the two oligarchies will merge and there won’t actually be any proper conflict. Only a leader can tame an oligarchy. Napoleon against a pack of French revolutionaries. Stalin against a pack of Bolshevik revolutionaries.

How to distinguish such a leader from political entrepreneurs? A political entrepreneur responds to demand. Does a group want war? Then I’ll offer it. Is there any other group against war? Then I’ll offer an anti-war position. The leader personality brings his own vision and gets support for it.

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