The opposition is trying to change the system, the ruling party is trying to prevent change. But it often happens that opposition activists find that fighting for change is quite convenient and that it is actually in their interest that no change happens.

Like education. If someone really cared about the state of Czech education, they could draw up a plan for transformation. They could prepare a new curriculum. They could prepare working materials for teachers. He could puzzle over the problem of how to provide a relatively demanding education for children whose parents want to spare them any effort. And much more. Including supporting schools that can already function as a demonstration of that future concept. Some opposition organizations could afford to do that, organizationally and financially. And, of course, to speak clearly about the current disastrous development.

But only the latter is happening! Every time the ministry carries out another monstrosity, there is a flood of videos and speeches, thousands of likes, maybe some preferential votes, a lot of stirred emotions… and that’s the end of it.

And that’s how it is in a lot of areas.

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