Members of the Czech government refused to meet with members of the Slovak government and immediately the public space is full of emotions. They say that Czech-Slovak relations are breaking down.

What exactly? Are border crossings blocked? Has the traffic on the road or the railway stopped? Have the Slovaks stopped understanding Czech and vice versa? Has the exchange of goods or financial transactions stopped? Do Slovaks no longer read the Czech press and vice versa?

No. Only some bunch of clowns, who are universally despised in the Czech lands, will not come to a meeting. What a misfortune! Was something to be agreed or approved there? Of course not.

However, it worked. The public debate is alive with the childish symbol and it escapes attention that the Czech government is seeking migration quotas, i.e. the influx of hundreds of thousands, and potentially millions, of adventurers from the Muslim world. It seeks to make Czech cities look like Paris, London or Brussels. So that no-go zones grow up and Czech women cannot go out on the street after dark. So that people of Jewish origin live in fear when a jihadist breaks into their apartment and cuts off their head. That’s the point! Not the photos from the joint session.


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