Speculation about what the Israeli intelligence services could and could not have known before the 7 October massacre has ended. Proper investigation has shown that the army had fairly accurate information about what Hamas was up to, and that it had it at least 10 days in advance. It did not take even the slightest action. The command ignored the information, perhaps with the arrogant notion that the savages could do nothing. Or did they have other interests? Who knows. In any case, the Israeli newspapers are full of it, and the responsibility of specific people is beginning to be addressed.

Does this give the conspiracists the benefit of the doubt? It’s more like the ones who said: wait and see how the investigation turns out. Such things are not swept under the carpet in Israel. And they really don’t.

In the meantime, the national unity cabinet that has been waging the war has dissolved. It broke up because some members wanted the Prime Minister to have a clear definition of objectives and a clear idea of the way forward. When Prime Minister Netanyahu showed only cluelessness, they left the government. The majority of Israelis believe that he should resign. My view is that he should have resigned immediately after 7 October and that the punitive crusade against Hamas should have been led by someone else from the start.

However, it shows how a country that is fighting for the survival of its people behaves. Even there, mistakes are made, and sometimes terrible mistakes. But those mistakes are not covered up; the Israelis are trying to correct them and are learning. In this they are similar to the Russians. Can you imagine how this would be handled in Europe or the US? How easily it would be brushed off as disinformation?

Of course, that may not be enough. Israel is not just waging war against Iran, but in fact against the entire Muslim world, which has an unequivocal command from its prophet: Kill Jews wherever you find them. And Israel logically also has everyone who needs Muslim oil or Muslim money or political influence against it – including the governments of Russia, the United States and China. The Muslim rabble smell Jewish blood. With them, of course, are Western progressives. The final solution to the Jewish question is at hand! However, it is not quite that simple. Escalation scenarios are also in play. The Jews who are to be kicked out have the resources to take the entire region with them.

In short, the return to the Middle Ages will not be entirely smooth.

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