Ukraine must be given the ability to attack targets inside the Russian Federation! This is the key to defeating Russia! We must not hesitate! Emotions are running high and no one is bothering to explain exactly what he is proposing and what it entails. Maybe he doesn’t even know himself.

Let’s take a good look at it. The Government of the Czech Republic, the President of the Czech Republic and many others are proposing that Ukrainian NATO troops launch systematic attacks outside the war zone. There is a certain logic to this; the Russians are also hitting targets all over the territory of Ukraine. But…

It’s not hard to imagine what exactly that would mean. Russian air defenses would shoot down something, but no air defense works 100%. So burning cities, smashed buildings and western liberals celebrating at the sight of a pile of charred corpses of subhumans.

That’s as far as the mind of the Western politician and intellectual can see. But he would surely follow the next step. Russian missiles falling on Prague, Vilnius, Warsaw, Berlin, Hanover and anywhere else. Given that there are virtually no air defenses in Europe, this is not even a technical problem. It’s just a push of a button. So do burning cities and piles of dead bodies.

They say the Russians don’t “dare” to fight back. What if they do? Are we going to fire missiles at them? That would have happened before anyway. Devastating economic sanctions? We’ve tried that before, to no avail. Send in the ground troops? We don’t have one! There will be nothing left to add. In other words, in the event of that “escalation”, it would depend only on the Russians’ taste and mood whether they start bombing our cities. And this is being proposed by people who also believe that Putin is an essential evil.

If we had a democratic political regime, or at least a regime that met basic criteria of justice, the politicians pushing for escalation would already be on trial for treason. Or in a psychiatric ward?

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