The media is full of devastating sanctions, and it’s good to note that all those sanctions consist EXCLUSIVELY of restricting or stopping the transfer of some fictional digits between computers. No one is able to either hit energy sources or cut off the supply of raw materials or stop production in factories or stop farmers from producing food. Nobody can stop the Russians from building new houses and new roads. Nobody can stop teaching in schools and universities. No one can stop the training of more soldiers. We only control the numbers on the bills and the media presentations, the media presentations and the numbers on the bills.

Newspaper headlines and advertising billboards didn’t apply to the Taliban, they don’t apply to Russia, and they won’t apply to China.

I don’t doubt that this may be very uncomfortable for Russia in the short term, but no one doubts that they will eventually get the hang of it. Because in the end it will be decided by what you can produce and grow anyway. Newspaper headlines and advertising billboards didn’t apply to the Taliban, they don’t apply to Russia, and they won’t apply to China. By the way, we’ve been confirming for years that they don’t pay for Muslim radicals in European no-go zones either.

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