Excerpts from the book

Chapter 1, that serves as an introduction

An excerpt:

This book describes how modern societies work. In particular, it focuses on mechanisms that led to the current and upcoming collapse of the West. It might be useful to know that this book is written by a sociologist. This is what sociology should be about; it should help people to understand why they have troubles and how to achieve their goals. It should also help them to avoid actions whose unintended consequences could later turn against them.

I admit, in general, sociology has a poor reputation. Few people expect that it could provide solutions for real life. Unfortunately, this reputation is well-deserved. Sociologists tend to isolate themselves from the real world. They live in closed sects that breed mutual assurances and foster the belief in one’s own superiority. This also helps to pull money out of other people’s pockets for funding of grants and university projects. I hope that I am – at least to some extent – able to avoid such a destiny because I have always worked in a business environment. At the time of writing this book, I worked in a factory. At lunchtime, I did not share a table with an economist or a psychologist, but with warehouse operators, factory workers and technologists.

The second chapter, why our brain betrays when we need it the most

An excerpt:

We have the skills and resources to defend the free world. However, our brains are not ready for the current situation. This is something that neither we, nor our parents, grandparents or even our great grandparents, ever experienced. Our brains are predisposed to erase the symptoms of disaster. In particular, massive propaganda actually encourages our tendency to delete the warning signs from our brain, and in effect attempts to convince people that the daily killings and the enforcement of Islamic law is actually normal.

So, once again, if this sounds too crazy, do not read any further and go back to the mainstream media.

The third chapter, mainly about why our civilization is unique

An excerpt:

And now, there is a realistic risk that all of this will disappear and it will be replaced by the most stagnant civilization in human history. That the world’s people will be kept to that of the 7th century level (less advanced than the European Middle Ages). These were times where it was normal to chop off hands and feet, and to be stoning rape victims to death. Where art and science are regarded as a sin punishable by death; where no modern medicines are available; where slavery is as common as divorce is in our world; where human life has no value and where compassion does not exist. Not only will freedom disappear, but even the idea that something like freedom could exist, will fade. Islam has demonstrated several times in history that it can do this perfectly – to occupy territory, erase a more advanced civilization, replace it with a life of an 7th century warlord; to change human nature to where people are not willing to live a different way.

Chapter four, mainly about what the fall of the West would mean for the rest of the world

An excerpt:

You can very easily imagine that following a fall of the West there would be the conquest of Latin America (Islamic colonies are already established there) and the annihilation of Black Africans (or they could become a supplier for the emerging global market for slaves). The final war against the alliance between Russia, India and China would follow. Do you find such a description of the future to be too ridiculous? This doesn’t fit your idea about the world? Do you have a stronger counter-argument than just saying “this can’t be true!”?

Chapter five, mainly a practical discussion about why ideas and ideals are not nearly as important as they first seem

An excerpt:

The following three chapters do not talk about Islam or the development of Western civilization, they focus on an issue seemingly unrelated. In particular, we will talk about how to study social phenomena. I’ll explain some aspects that are critical for understanding a social issue in depth. Therefore, the reader has the option to skip forward and go directly to the eighth chapter. However, I believe that if you do, some later claims may seem strange or absurd to you. We will cover some issues that might be interesting including conspiracy theories and the influence of ideology on human behavior. We will start with the role of ideology.

The chapter six, which is a practical discussion on conspiracy theories

An excerpt:

People with certain beliefs systematically reinforce each other. There are magazines, television stations and Facebook groups for that. People gather in coffee shops, pubs, at conferences or the Bilderberg hotel and tell each other what they love to hear. Such relatively closed social groups develop pressure on those who might call certain beliefs into question; they radicalize. Simple ideas are developed into ideologies and comprehensive interpretations of the world. Some students of humanities might together reach a conviction that it is a human right to move to the European Union. Corporate managers might conclude together that local businesses and local nationalism are detrimental and dangerous to the economy. People from the pharmaceutical industry might believe that governments are responsible for public health and therefore it must be a budget priority. Workers in the chemical or mining industry might conclude that ecologists are some kind of terrorist with their objections.

Chapter 7, explains what the ‘alt-right’ perspective means

An excerpt:

We are tired of being screened by the teenagers from progressivist universities. They can feel free to shout out and call us extremists, but we should not care. By not caring about the insults we will suddenly gain freedom and stop worrying about every word we hear and we will have no problem joking about anything. I highly recommend this to everyone.

I have nothing against Africans and I love movies with Samuel L. Jackson and the black conservative Herman Cain is among my political heroes. At the same time, I have no problem sharing a picture of Barack Obama labeled as a monkey or to discuss Herrnstein’s theories about intellectual differences among the races.

Chapter eight, how to orient yourself in an issue that is infinitely complex

An excerpt:

There is a growing percentage of the population affected by a variety of mental health problems. Psychical dysfunctions have been rising quickly. In each generation, psychological problems are more widespread than for the previous one. Moreover, the therapy is often more focused on how to make the environment more accepting and tolerant, rather than on normalizing behavior. Increasing levels of mental illness affects a wide range of institutions, from families to sports teams, schools and workplaces. Institutions that used to work flawlessly and to a large extent naturally, are often these days redirected from achieving the original objectives, to providing therapy. This trend is probably the most visible in schools that often divert away from learning and instead focus on “understanding”, “support”, “protection against psychological aggressions”, etc.

Chapter nine, about bureaucracy, a phenomenon which at first glance doesn’t have much in common with the crisis of civilization, however …

An excerpt:

Therefore, we see similar creativity and dynamism in the bureaucratic systems as in the private sector. The only difference is that bureaucracies provide only one product – the rules and regulations. The emergence of bureaucracies regularly fuels incredible creativity about what could be organized, regulated, censored and controlled. All the new forms that must be created and filled in are even more work to do. At the same time of course, there is the requirement to increase the budget.

Bureaucratic creativity has one significant advantage over business creativity. You can choose not to buy a new product, but you can’t refuse a new regulation.

Chapter ten, clarifies how it is with the elites

An excerpt:

With the gradual growth of bureaucratic organizations and the elite, means the old division between the Royal Courts and the people has re-emerged. Of all the many royal courts of different times, the courts of the last French kings serve as a good example that courtiers were different from other people. Ostentatious luxury, perfumed wigs, statues of herdswomen, effeminate manners and never-ending intrigues were the norm. To maintain a position in the Royal Court was not simple though. One error and an individual became the subject of gossip, fell out of favor and eventually had to leave. To succeed, very particular skills were needed. It didn’t matter whether a person was a good manager of his estate or how he performed in battle. The ability to scheme, choose the correct “friends” (and to leave them quickly if needed), flatter influential people, showing little scruples and yet constantly demonstrating loyalty with correct opinions, were the skills that paid off. It required a powerful brain but also a character trait that we could very politely describe as having ‘the adaptability of views’. In contrast, the people who were ready to fight who had constant views were excluded. The Royal courts of the late Bourbons were not the place for real soldiers.

Precisely such an environment is now replicated in glass palaces of ministries, corporate head offices, transnational NGOs and organizations such as the European Union, World Bank, United Nations and the like.

Chapter Eleven, where we show that civilisation´s problems can be explained by features of bureaucracies.

An excerpt:

Firstly: Moral decline. According to this explanation, people of the West have shifted away from the founding principles and fundamental values of the free world. The Catholic version of this theory puts the critical point somewhere between the middle ages and the modern era. This is assuming that everything has actually gone wrong since then. The Protestant version believes that this point was around the beginning of the 20th century. Both theories assume that this decline in morals and religion didn’t result from something else. They claim that the decline of morality and religion is the primary cause for most of the problems of the Westerner. We talked about this kind of thinking with a fair amount of skepticism in Chapter 4, however we are still obliged to explore if this theory offers a better explanation than the expansion of bureaucracies does.

Chapter Twelve, explaining why the new aristocracy sympathises with efforts to replace European nations with something better

An excerpt:

The easiness of general acceptance of Kalergi´s ideas is more striking. The vision of Kalergi was accepted because it was not revolutionary at all. Most members of elites supported the same view, and they still do. We thus meet very similar opinions – so similar that many people may think that top managers, bureaucrats and activists are Kalergi´s students or even members of a secret Kalergi circle. The reality is simpler than that, Kalergi´s thinking was typical thinking of his social class, thus everyone thinks like this.

Chapter Thirteen, where we finally get to Islam

An excerpt:

Western people were comforting themselves that this was only a temporary move. Great American sociology Peter L. Berger forecasted that “secularization forces will storm Teheran” and we will see their revenge. No way! More and more national societies have moved to an old Islam regime since Iran. With outer pressures dismissed, the rubber returns to its original shape. Big modern nations such as Turkey and Indonesia are also coming back to Islam, as it looked centuries ago.

The second shock came 10 years later. Salman Rushdie, a British author and quite a loyal Muslim, wrote a witty book, that most of us would consider trouble free and strongly sympathetic to Islam. But Islamic civilization doesn’t know a sense of humor and we thus saw the Iranian Islamic Court sentence Rushdie to death in his absentia and offered a reward for his killing. Thousands of Muslims that lived in the United Kingdom and who were considered “moderate”, marched on the streets of London and demanded the death of Salman Rushdie. Public personalities that sympathized with Islam and seemed like nice people until then, argued in TV discussions that killing Rushdie was legitimate. There were some calls for tolerance but such voices were at the margins and never had considerable influence.

Chapter Fourteen, where a story about an enclosed city helps us to understand why everything is worse than we thought

An excerpt:

If members of our civilization are mostly rational beings and it is therefore rational to open the city gates, why aren’t all cities captured and plundered? The answer is social coercion. This ranges from implementing social values into the minds of individuals by mocking those without bravery, through to executing traitors. If somebody decided to benefit from opening the city gates, he could be hanged immediately. Such a pressure is a critical element of every successful defense. The execution of deserters is as important as shooting at the enemies. If someone is not ready to use violence against his hesitating fellow citizen, he will be killed anyway as his children become slaves. This is an iron law of history.

Now imagine that there was chaos and anarchy in this city for a long time and nobody cared about its defense. Gate openers would gain control over city hall, courts, media, churches and schools. With the enemy already in the city, the traitors are supported. The mechanism of social coercion is now working in the opposite direction; treason is no longer punished, but bravery is. Those who defended the walls are executed and those who call for arms are imprisoned. Naive people who shoot at the invaders are laughed at and excluded from good company.

Chapter fifteen. It could be much worse

An excerpt:

In contrast, Hitler’s racism was substantially different. He never claimed that the Jews were like little children that needed an eye on them or that they should be made to toil in the gardens. He had this stance for example against the French. With the Jews, he believed that they represented the essence of evil and that they must be killed or at least isolated on a remote island. He maintained that their presence itself made the world a worse place.

This Hitler version of racism feeds the current anti-White racism that talk at the alleged guilt of the White race. The guilt has a mystical quality; it can never be atoned without the physical annihilation of all Whites. As correctly noted by Douglas Murray, it’s a phenomenon that we only find in the West. No one blames the Mongols for the bloody raids by Genghis Khan’s hordes. No one blames the Turks for their past in slavery that exceeded anything known in European or American history. Why? They don’t allow it to be stated. Those countries don’t have elites who are paid for the production of artificial problems that are financially dependent upon making people feel guilty (to be willing to pay).

Chapter sixteen, about historical lessons from crises of the past

An excerpt:

Contempt for the new aristocracy continues to grow among ordinary people. The new aristocracy members are still able to fight for their budgets and powers, but aren’t able to resolve banal issues. They aren’t even reproducing themselves with many European leaders being childless. It’s like there is a regulatory mechanism that ensures that the worst don’t reproduce. The new aristocracy is at the end of its life cycle. The inability to comprehend any real problem with the tendency to shift attention to issues such as the gender identity of domestic animals, whilst also loudly advertising its own annihilation – is all a sufficient testimony of its vitality. Very powerful brains are useless if they are not associated with energy, commitment and practical life experiences.

There is the logical question of who will replace the new aristocracy? Which social group is likely to dominate in the next phase (assuming the West still exists)?

Chapter Seventeen, we have already seen the worst, so what developments can we expect

An excerpt:

In the past ten years, we have witnessed a series of efforts to stop this trend, but all of these attempts were unsuccessful. It turned out that the new aristocracy, supported by the vitality of Islam, has gained enormous power. European societies were not able to generate movements that could resist the new aristocrats. The dissatisfaction of the lower classes has been increasing, but this has not produced a revolutionary action or even a small uprising. There is no “march through the institutions” by the defenders of civilization who could gradually gain positions in large bureaucratic structures (as the supporters of the anti-civilization ideology did in the 1950s and 1960s). “Good NGOs” that could counterweight the anti-civilization pressure groups have not emerged, with only a few exceptions. There are no billionaires who actively support actions opposing the activities funded by George Soros and his followers. A few individuals have delivered some heroic efforts and a number of political parties have achieved partial success, however these have not changed the super-powers of the new aristocracy and its ideology.

Chapter Eighteen. What should the defenders of the West do to increase the chances of saving their world?

An excerpt:

The 20th century’s fate of the Jews illustrates this principle. When transportation to extermination camps started, everyone tried to increase their own or families prospects. Thus, the strategy was to not resist, not attract attention and cooperate reasonably with guards in order to get food or other benefits, all at the expense of fellow prisoners. Because everyone was trying to survive, no one survived.

A few years later Israeli soldiers went out with a determination to die if it was necessary. They understood the fate of the State of Israel was more important than their personal lives. Israel survived and most of its inhabitants are safe.

Chapter Nineteen, where we concede the only choice is between war or brutal Islamic extremism

An excerpt:

In any case, if the West survives in some regions it will be very different from the West we know of now. There won’t be peaceful open societies. Petr Robejšek, a Czech-German political scientist living in Hamburg, recently wrote that when civilizations clash there are no rules. When Europe’s borders were opened for the jihadists who had cut off human heads in the Middle East, it meant that heads would also be cut off in Europe. The only question is whose head it will be and whose will remain on their neck. Those who show less mercy to the enemy will survive.

Today the idea is so repellent to many of us that we would rather die than become such beasts. However, if parts of the West are to survive, it will be those who don’t have such inhibitions that will endure. They will be similar to the forefathers who put the heads of Turkish prisoners on a spike in reaction to Muslim atrocities.

Chapter Twenty, turning what was said into a sociological theory

An excerpt:

The superficial approach says that science is about searching for supporting evidence for its theories. The naive idea is if you have a lot of charts, graphs, complex sentences and unusual words, your approach is scientific – This is not real science. An honest scientific approach is not about intimidating others with tables and charts. It is about a fixed system of rules which allow the researcher to notice errors and cast aside false claims.

We will never be able to reach the full certainty of truth; this belongs to a religion. Western societies have tended to take someone more seriously if they systematically reject nonsense. His claims are somehow more reliable than the claims of someone who does not reject nonsense. This is the main principle of Western empirical science; not the tables and charts.

Chapter twenty one, responses to the most frequently asked questions not answered so far

An excerpt:

Originally I wanted to avoid this question, but it’s more intellectually honest to accept the challenge. On one hand we see efforts to put the blame on the Jews for the collapse of today´s civilization, which is often supported by leaders of Jewish communities and organizations who publicly declare support for the Islamization of Europe. The “Holocaust Victim” label is used in the jihadis propaganda by the World Jew Congress.

On the other hand, we see a growing number of Islamist attacks against Jews, publicly tolerated antisemitism and the burning of synagogues as part of everyday life in European regions where there is a higher proportion of Muslims. Jews are escaping from the United Kingdom, France and other European countries. We also see the brave stand of Israel who are hugely outnumbered by aggressive Muslim groups.

From a scientific point of view, it is tough to research this area because we don’t know exactly who is a Jew and who is not. How can we count statistics in this situation? Many “lists of Jews” have been published but they are based on arbitrariness or randomness. I am also on some of these lists as a “Jewish intellectual”, although I have no Jewish ascendants as far as I know.