It’s not long since World No Hijab Day. There are videos of a brave woman taking off the horrible scarf that makes her look like a thing and showing her face and loose hair. In some countries, there are jail sentences of many years for this. Even in Europe and the US, Muslim women without the hijab are attacked as whores, apostates and I don’t know what else. When society is supposed to give her protection, the relevant state authorities see nothing. When it comes to the courts, it is on the side of the fundamentalists. No wonder only a small proportion of Muslim women living in such circumstances dare to remove the headscarf (most probably won’t even think of it).
Even in Europe and the US, Muslim women without the hijab are attacked as whores, apostates and I don’t know what else.
When one sees those videos of women gradually removing layers of cloth, one wonders how a certain type of ultra-conservative might feel about it. As the good guy says to himself: How far will it go? If we let them take off their headscarves, they’ll be walking around naked soon! There’s no stopping it!
Sometimes we see it from the other side, when we come across absolutely crazy things like questioning the gender of young children, and we hear sighs that this is the result of people in the past wanting to live freely. If they hadn’t broken some horrible tyrannical institution sometime in the 1800s, we might not be where we are. It’s just that if we were to go back in time like that and label each thing as a consequence of the one before it, we’d end up with Jesus Christ or Plato being the source of all the problems. That’s bullshit, of course.
If the rights of sexual kink advocates are pushed by specialized non-profits, then the demands will keep escalating because those non-profits will not dissolve.
The right question is what causes the movement and whether that force will continue to act. If it continues to act, then the removal of the scarf will lead to the removal of the bra. If the rights of sexual kink advocates are pushed by specialized non-profits, then the demands will keep escalating because those non-profits will not dissolve. If an industry of resistance to modern medicine has sprung up, it won’t end with one anti-vaccine campaign, because those people have learned to stir up the masses and learned to get money out of them. It’s just that in many cases it’s not like that – there are no non-profits or other forces behind it. People just want to preserve some area of life as they are used to. They want something cheaper. They want to eliminate a particular injustice. There are no movers behind it, at most somebody is riding it like a wave. In such cases, fulfilling the demand is the end of it.
Just like women who refuse to wear the hijab don’t become strippers. They want to feel free and they want to appear sexy, which is biologically and historically normal. But they don’t want to go naked because that would damage their own sexual capital. Quite naturally, it stops at a reasonable threshold. That’s usually the case.
Yeah, there’s also World Hijab Day, but I don’t want to waste time on that. When the multiculturalists declare a world Muslim slave traders day, I won’t promote that either.