So I read a Czech liberal media outlet lamenting how Islamists rule England. Terror and violence everywhere. It’s high time we did something about it. They are largely right, it’s just that they are obfuscating to readers that there is nothing more that can be done about it.

The Islamic community has gained so much strength that it simply cannot be stopped. And no one from the outside is going to dictate to the Muslim community what methods to use to subdue the infidels. There simply won’t be.

You either stop the growth of Islam early on, while it is still weak in your country, or Islam will prevail. There is no such thing as “when it gets too much, people will revolt.” When there is too much, the Muslims will be so strong that they will playfully put down any rebellion. The trend can be slowed by their fighting among themselves, but it cannot be stopped.

Perhaps the UK could still be divided into a larger Islamic part and a smaller part where the enforcement of Islamic law will not be tolerated. But that is a rather theoretical possibility.

It’s worth remembering that when there was an attempt to stop the Islamisation of the Czech lands (and indeed succeeded in slowing it down for a time), the liberal media joined in the harassment of “Islamophobes” and encouraged the growth of the most extreme forms of Islam.

When a newspaper interviewed me in 2020 and I said the same things they say today, the attacks almost led to the closure of that newspaper. And I was far from the only one who took it away at the time. Anti-regime activists of recent years have no idea how harshly things were handled back then.

It’s too late to moan about England now. The expansion of Islam in the Czech Republic should be addressed now, where there is still time.

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