How many times have you heard that the citizens themselves are to blame for the current political situation because they vote for who they vote for? We have seen this in the German states of Thuringia and Saxony. Citizens have supported parties that reject war, migration and the fanatical form of climate policy by a solid majority. And the curtailment of civil liberties.

And you know the rest. One of the leaders of the radical-looking opposition, Sara Wagenknecht, announced immediately after the election that her BSW formation would support the mainstream CDU. That means escalating war, climate fanaticism, more Islamic migration and repression of the native population. So far in Saxony, Thuringia will probably follow. I’m sure he’ll be making an impassioned speech every few months criticising his own government. The people will listen and be relieved that someone is fighting for them. In Saxony, because the AfD has won so many representatives that it can block some of the decisions of the Landtag, the Electoral Commission has carried out a flash recount and taken one seat away from them, so that they cannot block anything. And who would deal with protests by extremists.

What will follow? There are countless scenarios. Perhaps the AfD will be outlawed by the next election, the vacant votes will be given to Sara Wagenknecht’s BSW, making it the strongest party with a corresponding budget, company cars and other perks. And it will pursue a policy of moderate progress within the limits of the law. Or the BSW will come next. Or maybe people will resign and turnout will drop dramatically. Opposition supporters will stop turning out to vote. Or whatever else.

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