Remember the age-old joke that the Communist Party’s party is when the working class enjoys the fruits of its labor through the mouths of its chosen representatives? The Liberal Democrats have managed to turn that into reality.

First in American politics, where it has become the norm. Jobs are being eliminated, families are falling apart, women have to deal with depressed alcoholic husbands, unwed children and poverty, the overall situation is hopeless… and the political elite come up with quotas for women in corporate leadership. Thousands of women from working-class families continue to live in marasmus, but it doesn’t matter anymore, because five selected women leaders have been promoted from senior management to the boards of directors. We are defending women’s rights.

It works the same way with black men. Broken suburbs where there are neither jobs nor safety nor reasonable role models for teens. Just drugs, violence and despair. Nobody’s gonna do anything for these people. And it’s made up for by the fact that the president comes from an ultra-rich family where the spoiled little daughter got impregnated by a black man.

And now the Czech Pirate Party seems to be riding the same wave, bragging in their election campaign that they have “record representation of people under 20 on the ticket.” If someone at 19 is running for council, and for the ruling party at that, we are sure that he is not a normal young person, but a careerist who hates work and dreams of a lifelong political career. Does it really help most young people that the Pirates support six such guys? Wouldn’t it be better to look at energy prices, affordable housing, stable and decently paid jobs, the renewal of agriculture and manufacturing… and of course peace?

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