How to overcome the crisis of civilization? The problem is that the very notion of crisis is something vague, even mystical. We suspect that it would require some kind of inner transformation, ideally of the majority of the population at once, something like a religious awakening. But even if, in theory, everybody were to become, say, fervently devout Catholics in one day, all the mechanisms of power, economic rules, etc. would remain in place. In principle unsolvable.
But as members of Western civilization, we have an engineering approach. That is, we cannot solve a deep crisis, but we can solve problems. Even very difficult problems that require solving other problems. For example, if we wanted to restart and strengthen industrial production, we would need – among other things – raw materials, and for that we would need better relations with certain countries, and for that we would need a different diplomacy, and for that we would need the ability to change diplomats and so on. So an awful lot of tasks, a lot of work, but it is not in principle unsolvable.
In this way, it is possible to analyse the vast majority of what we nowadays refer to by the collective term crisis. There would probably be some spiritual-moral issues left, but that is a long-term issue, one can live with it and strive for gradual improvement. Knowing that it has never been completely good and probably never will be.
But it would no longer be an acute crisis.