Sport is interesting when comparable people are competing. A battle of muscle, will and effort. No one is going to watch a giant hammer a dwarf into the ground or Real Madrid beat the local amateurs 70:0.

After all, we’ve known it since we were kids. Even at the age of ten we heard “you can’t race these because you’re too fast. It wouldn’t be worth it.” You can’t fight somebody because they’re too small. And so on.

That’s why there are separate men’s and women’s races, that’s why there are senior races, that’s why there are different weight categories.

Even if the guy who beat up Italian boxer Carini fits some formal definition of a woman, it defeats the basic purpose of the sport. They might as well have unleashed a bear on her. We’ve had that before in European history.

And again, we’re running into a general trend running through society. Bank managers are judged not on profitability but on whether their loans are sufficiently carbon-free. Sporting events are judged not by the attractiveness of the matches, but by political correctness. And even military campaigns are judged by how many headlines they generate, not by what happens on the battlefield.

It is all part of a process whereby financial power is turned into political power and then vice versa. But the intermediate step is destructive. Not just for those involved, but for entire nations and civilizational circuits.

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