Because the Prague City Council has its priorities clearly aligned and spends money only on what is really important, an advertising campaign is currently running where the authorities explain that staring is a harassment. Perhaps you are one of those illiterates who have studied sociology and anthropology and then think that what is considered harassment is decided by the culture and customary system of this or that country and social class. Wrong! The owners of real knowledge with a bachelor’s degree in gender will explain to you that it depends on who pushed what through the Pirate Party’s bureaucracy.

But now, finally, a scene I witnessed this spring on tram number 12, between station Andel and Smichovsky station, makes sense to me. A girl of about 20 started yelling at a frightened, shy middle-aged gentleman (a kind of the curvaceous small-figure type) for staring at her breasts. The gentleman was terrified, unable to react at all, and looked away. I watched with interest, because the young woman’s figure was truly remarkable. She had no breasts! Not even small ones. If anyone was staring at her, it was as a natural curiosity. Or had her breasts been cut off? Who knows? I suppressed the urge to say something sarcastic to her. She’s already stunted to the ground.

But it’s just now coming together. The Pirate Party or some nonprofit was probably running an internal training session trying to encourage snowflakes to feel traumatized by every sight. The training was apparently successful.

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