The Czechs cannot avoid the topic of colonialism, or responsibility for it. So good! We were a colony for more than 300 years and now we are a colony again. Then send reparations! Actually, it would have been enough if they had left us alone. But our American “protector” is treating us worse than Americans have ever treated India.

Take the Czech National Gallery. It was founded in the 19th century to promote Czech national pride. Even the communists respected that. Until the global liberal hegemony came along and a Polish woman, Alicja Knastova, who doesn’t speak Czech and has no interest in Czech art, was appointed director. But I thought she was at least a respected expert on fine art. But it’s much worse than that! Ms. Knast has never studied fine art, has never written anything about it, has never worked in the field, and apparently doesn’t know anything about it. And she’s not even a black lesbian in a hijab!

Ms. Knast has never studied fine art, has never written anything about it, has never worked in the field, and apparently doesn’t know anything about it. And she’s not even a black lesbian in a hijab!

I only found out that she is not in the field a few days ago, when hundreds of Czech art personalities wrote a petition basically demanding her dismissal. Why only now, when these people have known for years? The logical explanation is that they were hoping to somehow get involved in the distribution of the money. But the country is getting poorer, the money is dwindling, and there are more people who can’t get it.

That doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll become patriots. Rather, it means that even among the fanatical supporters of Prime Minister Fiala’s regime, nervousness is growing and conflicts are increasing. And there will be more. Whether any opposition force will be able to take advantage of this is not at all certain.

And as for the National Gallery, it may not be the bottom yet. In the fight against specism, the next director may be a monkey.

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